Canine Urinary Tract Infection | Urinary Tract Infection in Dogs
Urinary Tract Infection in Dogs | Canine Urinary Tract Infection
Urine for bacterial culture may be obtained by antepubic cystocentesis, urinary bladder catheterization, or a midstream catch during voiding. However, the number of organisms isolated in a normal dog or cat varies according to the technique used. Ideally, urine should be obtained by cystocentesis, and urine specimens should be plated within 30 minutes of collection. If this is not possible, the urine sample should be refrigerated, because bacteria may double their numbers in urine every 45 minutes at room temperature, resulting in false-positive culture findings. On the other hand, false-negative urine culture results may be obtained if the urine has been frozen or refrigerated for 12 to 24 hours or more.
Animals with recurrent urinary tract infections (UTIs) or a UTI that does not respond to appropriate antibiotic treatment should undergo ultrasonography or contrast-enhanced radiography in a search for underlying anatomic disorders. Bladder tumors or polyps, uroliths, pyelonephritis, prostatitis, and urachal remnants are common causes of recurrent or unresponsive UTIs. In some cases, systemic disorders such as hyperadrenocorticism, chronic renal insuffiency-failure, and diabetes mellitus may be associated with recurrent UTIs, as can long-term corticosteroid treatment.
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Urine for bacterial culture may be obtained by antepubic cystocentesis, urinary bladder catheterization, or a midstream catch during voiding. However, the number of organisms isolated in a normal dog or cat varies according to the technique used. Ideally, urine should be obtained by cystocentesis, and urine specimens should be plated within 30 minutes of collection. If this is not possible, the urine sample should be refrigerated, because bacteria may double their numbers in urine every 45 minutes at room temperature, resulting in false-positive culture findings. On the other hand, false-negative urine culture results may be obtained if the urine has been frozen or refrigerated for 12 to 24 hours or more.
Animals with recurrent urinary tract infections (UTIs) or a UTI that does not respond to appropriate antibiotic treatment should undergo ultrasonography or contrast-enhanced radiography in a search for underlying anatomic disorders. Bladder tumors or polyps, uroliths, pyelonephritis, prostatitis, and urachal remnants are common causes of recurrent or unresponsive UTIs. In some cases, systemic disorders such as hyperadrenocorticism, chronic renal insuffiency-failure, and diabetes mellitus may be associated with recurrent UTIs, as can long-term corticosteroid treatment.
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