Canine Urethral Obstruction | Urethral Obstruction in Dogs

Urethral Obstruction in Dogs | Canine Urethral Obstruction

In animals with anatomic urethral obstruction, the size and nature of the lesion can usually be determined by retrograde positive-contrast-enhanced urethrography. The prevention of renal damage secondary to urinary obstruction in dogs and cats and the relief of puppy and kitten urinary obstruction to prevent detrusor atony resulting from overdistention are the main priorities in dogs and cats with urine outflow tract obstructions. If the obstruction is created by a urethral urolith, retropulsion of the urolith in the bladder may be successful. If the urolith cannot be moved by retropulsion, a temporary or permanent perineal urethrosthomy may be necessary.

In dogs with benign prostatic hyperplasia resulting in canine urethral obstruction, castration usually leads to a rapid decrease in the size of the prostate. The use of estrogens to decrease prostatic size is not recommended because of the potential for systemic adverse effects and squamous metaplasia of the prostate. Surgical drainage and marsupialization may be necessary to manage prostatic abscesses or prostatic cysts. In some cases of prostatic neoplasia, partial or complete prostatectomy may be beneficial; however, this surgery is difficult and frequently results in neurologic damage and urethral sphincter incompetence.

Canine and Feline urethral obstruction diagnostic plan:

Physical examination
Urethral palpation
Abdominal palpation
X-rays of the urinary tract
Urine culture
Blood work
Analysis of passed bladder stones

Canine and Feline urethral obstruction treatment:

Emptying of the bladder
Fluid therapy
Flushing of the urethral calculi into the bladder

Canine and Feline urethral obstruction dietary plan:

For dissolution, the proper calculolytic diet. To aid in prevention or recurrence, a diet that allows the body to produce the appropriate urine pH and avoids excesses of the urolith's precursors. If surgery is necessary, a diet adequate for tissue repair.

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