Diabetic dog food: Timing of meals
The feeding schedule of pets receiving insulin should be planned so that nutrients are delivered to the body during peak periods of exogenous insulin activity. This span will be determined by the type of insulin used and the time of day it is administered. Several small meals should be provided throughout the period of insulin activity, as opposed to feeding a single large meal. Feeding several small meals helps minimize postprandial fluctuations in blood glucose levels. Other factors that affect the degree of hyperglycemia that occurs following a meal include the composition of the food and the type of insulin administered.
If insulin is administered early in the morning, the first meal should be given immediately before the insulin injection. If the pet refuses to eat on any occasion, the insulin injection can be withheld, thereby preventing the subsequent possibility of hypoglycemia. The remaining three or four meals in the day can be given at equally spaced intervals, depending on the action of the insulin used. Taking blood samples and measuring blood glucose levels every 1 to 2 hours throughout a 24-hour period will indicate if the feeding schedule coincides adequately with insulin activity. If postprandial blood glucose levels rise above 180 milligrams, (mg)/deciliter (dl), the interval between feeding and insulin administration should be decreased. If hyperglycemia still occurs, the size of the meal should be decreased and/or the number of meals provided per day should be increased. Likewise, a meal should always be provided within 1 to 2 hours following the lowest blood glucose level.
Once an appropriate pet food and feeding schedule have been selected, the management program should be strictly adhered to. Pets that have previously been fed free-choice should be gradually switched to the new regimen. Although most dogs will adapt quickly, cats can be very resistant to changes in their feeding routine and in the type of food that is fed. This resistance can make dietary management of a diabetic cat difficult for some owners. Mixing the new food into the cat's previous food and changing to a meal-feeding regimen over a period of several weeks can help decrease these problems. Allowing cats to nibble over the period of insulin activity is also effective in some cases. Supplemental food should not be given, and feeding times should vary as little as possible. Periodic monitoring of blood glucose levels can be used to adjust the diet as the pet loses weight, changes the amount of exercise it gets, or requires adjustments in insulin dosage.
We also recommend this natural balanced real-meat dog food and natural dietary supplement for recovery.
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If insulin is administered early in the morning, the first meal should be given immediately before the insulin injection. If the pet refuses to eat on any occasion, the insulin injection can be withheld, thereby preventing the subsequent possibility of hypoglycemia. The remaining three or four meals in the day can be given at equally spaced intervals, depending on the action of the insulin used. Taking blood samples and measuring blood glucose levels every 1 to 2 hours throughout a 24-hour period will indicate if the feeding schedule coincides adequately with insulin activity. If postprandial blood glucose levels rise above 180 milligrams, (mg)/deciliter (dl), the interval between feeding and insulin administration should be decreased. If hyperglycemia still occurs, the size of the meal should be decreased and/or the number of meals provided per day should be increased. Likewise, a meal should always be provided within 1 to 2 hours following the lowest blood glucose level.
Once an appropriate pet food and feeding schedule have been selected, the management program should be strictly adhered to. Pets that have previously been fed free-choice should be gradually switched to the new regimen. Although most dogs will adapt quickly, cats can be very resistant to changes in their feeding routine and in the type of food that is fed. This resistance can make dietary management of a diabetic cat difficult for some owners. Mixing the new food into the cat's previous food and changing to a meal-feeding regimen over a period of several weeks can help decrease these problems. Allowing cats to nibble over the period of insulin activity is also effective in some cases. Supplemental food should not be given, and feeding times should vary as little as possible. Periodic monitoring of blood glucose levels can be used to adjust the diet as the pet loses weight, changes the amount of exercise it gets, or requires adjustments in insulin dosage.
We also recommend this natural balanced real-meat dog food and natural dietary supplement for recovery.
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