Angiography in cats
Angiography is used as a confirmatory test in cats with presumptive dirofilariasis but negative adult antigen blood test results and echocardiographic findings. Angiography is also used to confirm a diagnosis of thromboembolic disease. Obstructed arteries are blunted and do not show the normal gentle taper and arborization.
Arteries may appear dilated and tortuous. There may also be localized areas or extravasated contrast agent. If several days have elapsed since the embolization occurred, however, lesions may no longer be identifiable; angiography should therefore be performed as soon as the disorder is suspected and the animal's condition is stabilized.
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Arteries may appear dilated and tortuous. There may also be localized areas or extravasated contrast agent. If several days have elapsed since the embolization occurred, however, lesions may no longer be identifiable; angiography should therefore be performed as soon as the disorder is suspected and the animal's condition is stabilized.
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