Dog food ratings
Dog food ratings
Factors in selecting dog food:
- Dog's age
- Mature body size
- Activity level
- Reproductive status
- Lifestyle
- Breed type
- Health conditions
These factors affect the dog's nutrient and energy needs.
The chosen food should:
- Provide complete and balanced nutrition for that life stage
- Provide sufficient energy to maintain ideal body weight or support tissue growth
- Be palatable/acceptable to the dog over an extended period
- Support normal gastrointestinal function and promote regular, firm stools
- Support long-term health and vitality
Information contained on the label of commercial pet foods can be helpful.
List of ingredients:
- Provides general information about the type of ingredients included
- Ingredients listed in descending order of preponderance by weight
- Does not provide information about ingredient quality and so is of limited value when rating dog foods
Guaranteed analysis
- Must include information regarding the food's minimum percentages of crude protein and crude fat and maximum percentages of moisture and crude fiber
- Not the best basis for comparing nutrient content of different diets; other factors to consider when comparing these values are the diet's moisture content and caloric density
Nutritional adequacy claims
- A food that is labeled complete and balanced for all life stages has been formulated to provide proper amounts of essential nutrients and energy throughout gestation, lactation, growth, and adult maintenance
- Limited claims state that food provides complete and balanced nutrition for a particular stage of life, such as adult maintenance or growth
- Products that are intended for therapeutic feeding under the supervision of a veterinarian.
We would love to hear your pet's story. Please add a comment on our dog food ratings.
Factors in selecting dog food:
- Dog's age
- Mature body size
- Activity level
- Reproductive status
- Lifestyle
- Breed type
- Health conditions
These factors affect the dog's nutrient and energy needs.
The chosen food should:
- Provide complete and balanced nutrition for that life stage
- Provide sufficient energy to maintain ideal body weight or support tissue growth
- Be palatable/acceptable to the dog over an extended period
- Support normal gastrointestinal function and promote regular, firm stools
- Support long-term health and vitality
Information contained on the label of commercial pet foods can be helpful.
List of ingredients:
- Provides general information about the type of ingredients included
- Ingredients listed in descending order of preponderance by weight
- Does not provide information about ingredient quality and so is of limited value when rating dog foods
Guaranteed analysis
- Must include information regarding the food's minimum percentages of crude protein and crude fat and maximum percentages of moisture and crude fiber
- Not the best basis for comparing nutrient content of different diets; other factors to consider when comparing these values are the diet's moisture content and caloric density
Nutritional adequacy claims
- A food that is labeled complete and balanced for all life stages has been formulated to provide proper amounts of essential nutrients and energy throughout gestation, lactation, growth, and adult maintenance
- Limited claims state that food provides complete and balanced nutrition for a particular stage of life, such as adult maintenance or growth
- Products that are intended for therapeutic feeding under the supervision of a veterinarian.
We would love to hear your pet's story. Please add a comment on our dog food ratings.
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