Management of the anemic patient
The first basic principle of the management of anemic (or bleeding) patient is to collect all blood samples before instituting any therapy. Because the condition in most of these patients may constitute a true emergency at the time of presentation, often samples are not collected until the animal’s condition has been completely stabilized, resulting in treatment-induced changes in hematologic or serum biochemical values.
As a general rule, because of the acute onset of these disorders, patient with regenerative anemias (i.e., blood loss or hemolysis) require more aggressive therapy than those with nonregenerative forms. Specific therapy should be instituted once the clinician has determined that the patient’s condition is stable and whether the anemia is regenerative or not.
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As a general rule, because of the acute onset of these disorders, patient with regenerative anemias (i.e., blood loss or hemolysis) require more aggressive therapy than those with nonregenerative forms. Specific therapy should be instituted once the clinician has determined that the patient’s condition is stable and whether the anemia is regenerative or not.
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